Comic Booked! The Podcast
Matt and Katie go on a hilarious journey through the comic book world, one character and joke at a time. An educational and hilarious podcast for anyone, not just your comic book geek, where you can jump in with any episode you'd like. So come learn and laugh with us, ya freakin' doinks!
Comic Booked! The Podcast
Episode 6 - Martian Manhunter
Matthew McLachlan and Katie Sexton
Episode 6
We got a cat and decide to be those annoying people and tell you all about her against your will! It's funny, though, we swear! Today we learn about The Martian Manhunter and it gets musical, folks. We suggest you watch Mr. Holland's Opus to get the full comedic effect of this episode. Katie teaches Matt about Krampus! He'll steal you!