Comic Booked! The Podcast
Matt and Katie go on a hilarious journey through the comic book world, one character and joke at a time. An educational and hilarious podcast for anyone, not just your comic book geek, where you can jump in with any episode you'd like. So come learn and laugh with us, ya freakin' doinks!
Comic Booked! The Podcast
Episode 26 - Gambit
Episode 26
Matt and Katie tell us exactly why working in the service industry is a walking dumpster fire and if you don't tip well you're a monster. Today we learn about the red-eyed, charming AF, playing card exploding badass that every boy wanted to be growing up, Gambit. He was a thief, he got a cool girlfriend, and he gets all kinda evil for a bit. It's all just a good time. Katie teaches Matt about hair! It's on you!